How do you know when to submit for reimbursement on RTM codes?

Knowing when to bill for RTM services: tips for healthcare providers and specifics on how Exer Health assists with billing (for Codes 98975 and 98977).

Billing Requirements for RTM Services

To qualify for RTM code reimbursement for CPT Codes 98975 and 98977, patients must complete 16 out of 30 days with qualifying activity. This means that healthcare providers can bill for RTM services once the patient has met this requirement during their treatment cycle.

A patient needs activity in 16 of 30 days to qualify for RTM code reimbursement. This activity can be the aggregate of a variety of "activity" types. 

Utilizing Exer Health's RTM Billing Tracker

Exer Health offers an RTM Billing Tracker within our web-based Provider Portal, designed to help healthcare providers stay organized and informed about their patient cycles. This tool can be instrumental in keeping track of each patient's progress and determining when they have met the requirements for RTM code reimbursement.

While self-reported data (pain surveys, etc) can be considered "activity" towards the 16 days that qualify a patient for RTM reimbursement, Exer Health facilitates objective data which is generated by computer vision. 

Email Notifications for Billing Actions

In addition to the RTM Billing Tracker, Exer Health also provides email notifications to healthcare providers when any billing action is required. These notifications can serve as a helpful reminder for providers to ensure they are billing for RTM services in a timely and accurate manner.