Can I bill for RTM during the post-operative global billing period?

Billing RTM during the post-operative global billing period: what you need to know.


Short answer: Yes.


Billing RTM During the Global Billing Period

The good news for healthcare providers is that RTM can indeed be billed during the post-operative global billing period.

RTM is considered a stackable code, meaning it is not bundled into the typical global surgery fee associated with post-operative care. 

This distinction allows providers to bill for RTM services separately, even during the global billing period.

Why RTM is Billable During the Global Period

The primary reason RTM can be billed during the global billing period is that it provides additional value to patients and providers by extending the care and monitoring outside the clinic setting.

RTM enables healthcare providers to remotely track a patient's progress, make timely interventions, and optimize the patient's recovery process. As such, the Centers for Medicare & Medicaid Services (CMS) recognizes the importance of RTM and allows it to be billed separately from the global surgery fee.


In conclusion, healthcare providers can confidently bill for Remote Therapeutic Monitoring during the post-operative global billing period. RTM is a stackable code that is not bundled into the standard global surgery fee, allowing providers to offer extended care and monitoring to patients during their recovery process.