Can I bill for RTM and telehealth at the same time?

Billing RTM and telehealth simultaneously: what healthcare providers should know


Short answer: To bill RTM and telehealth at the same time, you must ensure the services are distinct and warranted.


As telehealth services gain popularity, healthcare providers need to understand the intricacies of billing for various services, including Remote Therapeutic Monitoring (RTM) and telehealth. A common question that arises is whether it is possible to bill for RTM and telehealth simultaneously. Can RTM and Telehealth Be Billed Together?

The answer is that billing RTM and telehealth services simultaneously may be possible, provided that certain conditions are met.

To bill both services at the same time, healthcare providers must ensure that the services are distinct, not duplicative, and comply with the specific payer's policies and billing guidelines.

Distinct and Non-Duplicative Services

When billing RTM and telehealth services together, it is essential to ensure that each service provides unique value to the patient and does not duplicate the other.

RTM focuses on monitoring a patient's response to therapy and adjusting the treatment plan accordingly, while telehealth services may include virtual consultations, remote diagnosis, or follow-up care. As long as the services do not overlap and serve separate purposes, billing both may be permissible.

Compliance with Payer Policies and Billing Guidelines

Healthcare providers must also ensure that billing RTM and telehealth services simultaneously is in accordance with the specific payer's policies and billing guidelines. These guidelines may vary among payers, so it is crucial to review each payer's requirements to avoid potential billing issues.


In summary, healthcare providers may be able to bill for RTM and telehealth services at the same time, provided that the services are distinct, non-duplicative, and compliant with the payer's policies and billing guidelines.